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发布者: 发布日期:2021-12-23 浏览次数:





Fei-Hai Yu (于飞海)

Institute of Wetland Ecology and Clone Ecology

Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Plant Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation,

Taizhou University, Jiaojiang District,

Taizhou 318000, China

E-mail: feihaiyu@126.com

ORCID: 0000-0001-5007-1745

Scopus Author ID: 7402822807

ResearchID: O-9395-2016

Web of Science ResearcherID O-9395-2016




            地址:浙江台州市椒江区市府大道1139号伟德国际victor1946D510   邮编:318000          



Academic & education experience 学术和教育经历 


2017 –            Professor, Taizhou University (伟德国际victor1946,教授)

2009 –  2017  Professor, Beijing Forestry University(北京林业大学,教授、博导)

2005 – 2009   Associate professor, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences


2002 – 2005   Postdoc, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research


1997 – 2002   Ph. D in Ecology, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences


1993 – 1997   B. Sc in Biology, Hangzhou University(杭州大学,本科,获生物学学士学位)

2008.10.1-10.31 Visiting scholar at Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic 


2008.11- 2009.2 Visiting scholar at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA


2014.7-2015.2 Visiting scholar at Indiana University, Bloomington




Research area 研究领域

l 克隆植物生态学Clonal plant ecology and environmental heterogeneity: ecological consequences of small-scale environmental heterogeneity at different levels, i.e. on individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems; adaptive evolution of clonal life histories; effects of clonality on performance of individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems.

l 湿地植物生态学Wetland plant ecology: adaptive strategies of plants in wetland conditions and restoration of degraded wetland vegetation.

l 入侵植物生态学Invasive plant ecology: roles of clonal life history traits in plant invasiveness and community invasibility.



Editorial board member 期刊编委

l Flora (2020-subject editor, 2015-2020; editor, 2010-2014)

l Biological Invasions (associate editor, since 2013)

l Forests (editor, since 2014)

l Forest Ecosystems (associate editor, since 2014)

l Phyton (associate editor, since 2020)

l Frontiers in Plant Science (guest editor, 2016, 2018, 2020-)

l 《生物多样性》 (编委2009-)

l 《植物生态学报》 (编委2011-)

l 《生态学报》(编委2013-)

l 《北京林业大学学报》(副主编2013-)

l PloS ONE (editor, 2013-2014)



    Awards 奖励               

Ø 浙江省自然科学奖三等奖(2020;植物克隆生长的生态对策意义,2019-Z-3-020-R03,排名


Ø 入选浙江省“万人计划”科技创新领军人才(2018)

Ø 环境保护科学技术奖二等奖(2017年;主要外来生物入侵机理及控制关键技术研究,

        KJ2017-2-15,排名第三,李俊生、 赵彩云、于飞海、李钧敏、张利权、李军、袁琳、龚世平、郑玉龙)

Ø 入选浙江台州市“500精英”A类(2016年)

Ø 获中国生态学学会第三届青年科技奖(2013年)

Ø 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划2010年)

Ø 入选首批北京林业大学杰出青年人才培育计划2013年)

Ø 获北京林业大学家骐云龙青年教师教学优秀奖(2013年)

Ø 获中国科学院王宽诚教育基金会奖学金国际会议项目(2009年)

Ø 获中国科学院地奥奖学金(二等奖,2002年)



  Project 项目     


Ø 亲体效应在种群和群落水平的作用及其表观遗传机制(国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2021-2024,主持人)

Ø 浙江省“万人计划”科技创新领军人才项目(浙江省科技厅,2019-2021;主持人)

Ø 植物多样性对有机污染土壤修复的影响机制(浙江省自然科学基金基金重点项目, 2020-2023;主持人)

Ø 克隆性对竹林生产力和拓展能力的影响机制(国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2019-2022;主持人)

Ø 植物共存、多样性与超产效应的微生物生态进化反馈驱动机制(国家自然科学基金中美多样性合作项目课题,2018 -2022,课题主持人)

Ø 环境异质性对克隆内和克隆间作用关系的影响(国家自然科学基金面上项目,20162019,主持人)

Ø 入侵生态系统危害等级划分和快速识别技术(国家重点研发计划——“主要入侵生物生态危害评估与防制修复技术示范研究第一课题, 2016-2018233.89万,课题主持人)

Ø 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划2011-2013;主持人)

Ø 克隆多样性与物种多样性的相关性及机制(国家自然科学基金面上项目, 20112013;主持人)

Ø 植物性状在群落中作用的模型研究(国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 2010-2010,主持人)

Ø 湖泊湿地植被恢复与重建关键技术研究(林业公益项目,2011-2013;主持人)

Ø Adaptive response of woody plants to grazing, burial and denudation stress in dry mobile sands in Inner Mongolia (中国科学院和荷兰皇家科学院博士生联合培养项目,合作人Marinus J. Werger教授, Niels Anten博士和 董鸣研究员,20082012,中方第二主持人)

Ø 克隆生活史性状在植物入侵过程中的作用(中瑞科技合作联合研究项目;2009-2011;主持人)

Ø 克隆植物对沙地异质环境的适应对策(国家重点基础研究发展【973】规划项目子课题,2007-2011;主持人)

Ø Large woody plants in dry mobile sands  -  life history traits and population dynamics(中国科学院和荷兰皇家科学院博士生联合培养项目,合作人Marinus J. Werger教授, Pieter Zuidema博士和 董鸣研究员,20062010,中方第二主持人)

Ø 沙地游击型克隆植物对沙埋和风蚀的适应机制(国家自然科学基金面上项目,20082010;主持人)

Ø 克隆整合对草地植物竞争力、群落组成和生态系统功能的影响(国家自然科学基金青年项目,20062008,主持人)

Ø 中国东部森林群落树木年代学与克隆生态学研究(中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目专题,2007-2009;研究骨干)

Ø 密集型禾草植丛内的克隆多样性及形成机制(国家教委留学回国人员项目,2008-2009;主持人)



Publication  论著   


Peer-reviewed SCI papers

1. Wang J, Ge Y, Cornelissen JHC, Wang X-Y, Gao S, Bai Y, Chen T, Jing Z-W, Zhang C-B, Liu W-L, Li J-M, Yu F-H*. Species richness interacts with drought to affect litter decomposition via its effect on litter nitrogen concentration. Oecologia (accepted)

2. Xue W, Huang L, Sheng W-J, Zhu J-T, Li S-Q, Yu F-H*. Contrasting effects of plant-soil feedbacks on growth and morphology of physically- connected daughter and mother ramets in two clonal plants. Plant and Soil doi: 10.1007/s11104-021-05266-4

3. Adomako MO, Alpert P, Du D-L, Yu F-H*. 2021. Effects of fragmentation of clones compound over vegetative generations in the floating plant Pistia stratiotes. Annals of Botany 127: 123–133.

4. Gao F-L, Alpert P, Yu F-H*. 2021. Parasitism induces negative effects of physiological integration in a clonal plant. New Phytologist 229: 585–592.

5. Adomako MO, Xue W, Du D-L, Yu F-H*. 2021. Soil biota and soil substrates influence responses of the rhizomatous clonal grass Leymus chinensis to nutrient heterogeneity. Plant and Soil 465:19–29.

6. Liu Y, Oduor A, Dai Z-C, Gao F-L, Li J-M, Zhang X, Yu F-H*. 2021. Suppression of a plant hormone gibberellin reduces growth of invasive plants more than native plants. Oikos 130: 781–789.

7. Wang J, Xu T, Wang Y, Li G, Abdullah I, Zhong Z, Liu J, Zhu W, Wang L*, Wang D, Yu F-H*. 2021. A meta-analysis of effects of physiological integration in clonal plants under homogeneous vs. heterogeneous environments. Functional Ecology 35: 578-589.

8. Wang X-Y, Ge Y, Gao S, Chen T, Wang J*, Yu F-H*. Evenness alters the positive effect of species richness on community drought resistance via changing complementarity. Ecological Indicators 133: 108464.

9. Adomako MO, Xue W, Tang M, Du Da-L, Yu F-H*. 2021. Earthworms modulate impacts of soil heterogeneity on plant growth at different spatial scales. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 735495.

10. Zhang X, Zhu B, Yu F-H, Wang P, Chen W. Long-term bare fallow soil reveals the temperature sensitivity of priming effect of the relatively stabilized soil organic matter. Plant and soil DOI: 10.1007/s11104-021-05260-w

11. Zheng L, Shi P, Zhou T, Hou G, Song M, Yu F-H. 2021. Tree regeneration patterns on contrasting slopes at treeline ecotones in eastern Tibet. Forests, 12, 1605.

12. Jin Y, Zhang Q, Zhang L-M, Lei N-F, Chen J-S, Xue W, Yu F-H. Distinct responses of frond and root to increasing nutrient availability in a floating clonal plant. PloS ONE 16(10): e0258253.

13. Wang M-Z, Liu C-X, Li H-L, Dong B-C, Yu F-H*. Adaptive plasticity in response to light and nutrient availability in the clonal plant Duchesnea indica. Journal of Plant Ecology doi:10.1093/jpe/rtab116

14. Wan J-Z, Wang C-J, Zimmermann N, Li M-H, Pouteau R, Yu F-H*. 2021. Current and future plant invasions in protected areas: does clonality matter? Diversity and Distribution 27: 2465–2478.

15. Cai J-F, Liu X-S, Sun K, Jiang F, Du Y, Zhang M-X, Li H-L*, Yu F-H* Vermicompost application enhances halophyte performance and coastal saline-alkali soil quality. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Doi: 10.1007/s42729-021-00650-6

16. Si C, Xue W, Guo Z-W, Zhang J-F, Hong M-M, Wang Y-Y, Lin J, Yu F-H*. 2021. Soil heterogeneity and earthworms independently promote growth of two bamboo species. Ecological Indicators 130: 108068.

17. Adomako MO, Xue W, Du D-L, Yu F-H*. 2021. Soil-microbe-mediated N:P stoichiometric effects on Solidago canadensis performance depend on nutrient levels. Microbial Ecology DOI: 10.1007/s00248-021-01814-8

18. Li Q-W, Zhang X-Y, Liang J-F, Gao J-Q*, Xu X-L, Yu F-H*. 2021. High nitrogen uptake and utilization contribute to the dominance of invasive Spartina alternifora over native Phragmites australis. Biology and Fertility of Soils 57: 1007–1013.

19. Zhang X, Zhu B, Yu F-H, Chen W. 2021. Plant inputs mediate the linkage between soil carbon and net nitrogen mineralization. Science of the Total Environment 790: 148208.

20. Cai J-F, Jiang F, Liu X-S, Sun K, Wang W, Zhang M-X, Li H-L, Xu H-F, Kong W-J, Yu F-H. 2021. Biochar-amended coastal wetland soil enhances growth of Suaeda salsa and alters rhizosphere soil nutrients and microbial communities. Science of the Total Environment 788: 147707.

21. Gao F-L, He Q-S, Xie R-Q, Hou J-H, Shi C-L, Li-JM, Yu F-H*. 2021. Interactive effects of nutrient availability, fluctuating supply, and plant parasitism on the post-invasion success of Bidens pilosa. Biological Invasions 23: 3035–3046.

22. Xue W, Yao S-M, Huang L, Yu F-H*. 2021. Current plant diversity but not its soil legacy influences exotic plant invasion. Journal of Plant Ecology https://doi.org/10.1093/jpe/rtab065

23. Yuan L, Li J-M, Yu F-H, Oduor AMO, van Kleunen M. 2021. Allelopathic and competitive interactions between native and alien plants. Biological Invasions 23: 3077–3090.

24. Shen C, Wang J, He J-Z, Yu F-H, Ge Y. 2021. Plant diversity enhanced soil fungal diversity and microbial resistance to plant invasion. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87(11): e00251-21.

25. Wang X, Wang M, Tao Y, Fang N, Yang G, Cai J, Jiang Y, Hang X, Yu F-H, Li M-H. 2021. Beneficial effects of nitrogen deposition on carbon and nitrogen accumulation in grasses over other species in Inner Mongolian grasslands. Global Ecology and Conservation 26: e01507.

26. Liang J-F, Li Q-W, Gao J-Q, Feng J-G, Zhang X-Y, Hao Y-J, Yu F-H. 2021. Biochar-compost addition benefits Phragmites australis growth and soil property in coastal wetlands. Science of the Total Environment 769: 145166.  

27. Yao S, Jin Y, Zhang L-M, Lei N-F, Xue W, Chen J-S, Yu F-H. 2021.  Effects of soil nutrient heterogeneity and earthworms on primary productivity of experimental plant communities. Phyton 90: 1259-1271.

28. Gao F-L, He Q-S, Zhang Y-D, Hou J-H, Yu F-H*. 2021. Effects of soil nutrient heterogeneity on the growth and invasion success of alien plants: a multi-species study. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 619861.

29. Wang P, Alpert P, Yu F-H. 2021. Physiological integration can increase competitive ability in clonal plants if competition is patchy. Oecologia 195:199–212.

30. Wei G-W, Chen Y-H, Sun X-S, Matsubara S, Luo F-L*, Yu F-H*. 2021. Elevation-dependent selection for plasticity in leaf and root traits of Polygonum hydropiper in response to flooding. Environment and Experimental Botany 182: 104331.

31. Liang C, Ding Y, Yue Y, Zhang X-Y, Song M-H, Gao J-Q, Yu F-H. 2021. Litter affects CO2 emission from alpine wetland soils experiencing drying-rewetting cycles with different intensities and frequencies. Catena 198: 105025.

32. Liang J-F, Li Q-W, Gao J-Q, Feng J-G, Zhang X-Y, Wu Y-Q, Yu F-H. 2021. Biochar rhizosphere addition promoted Phragmites australis growth and changed soil properties in the Yellow River Delta. Science of the Total Environment 761: 143291.

33. Wang X, Yu F-H*, Jiang Y, Mai-He Li. 2021. Carbon and nutrient physiology in shrubs at the upper limits: a multispecies study. Journal of Plant Ecology 14: 301–309.

34. Xue W#, Shen J-X#, Guo Z-W, Lei J-P, Li J-M, Yu F-H*, Li M-H. 2021. Shoot removal interacts with soil temperature to affect survival, growth and physiology of young ramets of a bamboo. Forest Ecology and Management 481: 118735.  

35. Xue W#, Huang L#, Yu F-H*. 2021. Increasing soil configurational heterogeneity promotes plant community evenness through equalizing differences in competitive ability. Science of the Total Environment 750: 142308.

36. Lu H-Z, Brooker R, Song L, Liu W-Y*, Sack L, Zhang J-L, Yu F-H*. 2020. When facilitation meets clonal integration in forest canopies. New Phytologist 225: 135–142.

37. Xue W#, Wang W-L#, Yuan Q-Y, Yu F-H*. 2020. Clonal integration in Phragmites australis alters soil microbial communities in an oil-contaminated wetland. Environmental Pollution 265: 114828.

38. Liang J-F, Yuan W-Y, Gao J-Q*, Roiloa SR, Song M-H, Zhang X-Y, Yu F-H*. 2020. Soil resource heterogeneity competitively favors an invasive clonal plant over a native one. Oecologia 193:155–165.

39. Wang M-Z, Li H-L, Li J-M, Yu F-H*. 2020. Correlations between genetic, epigenetic and phenotypic variation of an introduced clonal herb. Heredity 124: 146–155.

40. Zhang X, Yu F-H. 2020. Physical disturbance accelerates carbon loss through increasing labile carbon release. Plant, Soil and Environment 66: 584-589.

41. Adomako MO, Alpert P, Du D-L, Yu F-H*. 2020. Effects of clonal integration, nutrients and cadmium on growth of the aquatic macrophyte Pistia stratiotes. Journal of Plant Ecology 13 765–772.

42. Cai J-F, Zhang L, Zhang Y, Zhang M-X, Li H-L, Xia H-J, Kong W-J, Yu F-H. 2020. Remediation of cadmium-contaminated coastal saline-alkaline soil by Spartina alterniflora derived biochar. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 205: 111172.

43. Adomako MO, Gao F-L Gao, Li J-M, Du D-L, Xue W, Yu F-H. 2020. Effects of soil nutrient heterogeneity and parasitic plant infection on an experimental grassland community. Flora 271: 151666.

44. Valencia E, de Bello F, Galland T, Lepš J, Vojtkó A, van Klink R, Carmona CP, Adler PB, Danihelka J, Dengler J, Eldridge D, Estiarte M, García-González R, Garnier E, Gómez D, Harrison S, Herben T, Ibáñez R, Jentsch A, Juergens N, Kertész M, Klumpp K, Louault F, Marrs RH, Ogaya R, Ónodi G, Pakeman RJ, Pardo I, Pärtel M, Peco B, Peñuelas J, Pywell RF, Rueda M, Schmidt W, Schmiedel U, Schuetz M, Skalova H, Šmilauer P, Šmilauerová M, Smit C, Song M-H, Stock M, Val J, Vandvik V, Ward D, Wesche K, Wiser S, Woodcock BA, Young TP, Yu F-H, Zobel M, Götzenberger L. 2020. Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale. PNAS 117: 24345-24351.

45. Si C, Alpert P, Zhang J-F, Lin J, Wang Y-Y, Hong M-M, Roiloa SR, Yu F-H*. 2020. Capacity for clonal integration in introduced versus native clones of the invasive plant Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Science of the Total Environment 745: 141056.

46. Wei G-W, Sun X-S, Chen Y-H, Luo F-L*, Yu F-H*. 2020. Growth and reproductive responses of Polygonum hydropiper populations to elevational difference associated with flooding. Global Ecology and Conservation 23: e01156

47. Adomako MO, Xue W, Tang M, Du D-L*, Yu F-H*. 2020. Synergistic effects of soil microbes on Solidago canadensis depend on water and nutrient availability. Microbial Ecology 80: 837-845

48. Xue W#, Huang L#, Yu F-H*. 2020. Importance of starting points in heterogeneous environments: interactions between two clonal plants with contrasting spatial architectures. Journal of Plant Ecology 13 323-330.

49. Wan J, Oduor AMO, Pouteau R, Wang B, Chen L, Yang B, Yu F-H, Li J. 2020. Can polyploidy confer invasive plants with a wider environmental tolerance? A test using Solidago canadensis. Ecology and Evolution 10: 5617–5630.

50. Zhang L-M, Yao S-M, Jin Y, Song M-H, Lei N-F, Chen J-S, Yu F-H*. 2020. Effects of clonal fragmentation and nutrient availability on the competitive ability of the floating plant Salvinia natans. Folia Geobotanica 55: 63-71.

51. Valencia E, de Bello F, Lepš J, Galland T, E-Vojtkó A, Conti L, Danihelka J, Dengler J, Eldridge DJ, Estiarte M, García-González R, Garnier E, Gómez D, Harrison S, Herben T, Ibáñez R, Jentsch A, Juergens N, Kertész M, Klumpp K, Louault F, Marrs RH, Ónodi G, Pakeman RJ, Pärtel M, Peco B, Peñuelas J, Rueda M, Schmidt W, Schmiedel U, Schuetz M, Skalova H, Šmilauer P, Šmilauerová M, Smit C, Song M-H, Stock M, Val J, Vandvik V, Wesche K, Woodcock BA, Young TP, Yu F-H, Zobel M, Götzenberger L. 2020. Directional trends in species composition over time can lead to a widespread overemphasis of year-to-year asynchrony. Journal of Vegetation Science 31: 792–802.

52. Qin T-J, Zhou J, Sun Y, Müller-Schärer H, Luo F-L, Dong B-C, Li H-L*, Yu F-H*. 2020. Phylogenetic diversity is a better predictor of wetland community resistance to Alternanthera philoxeroides invasion than species richness. Plant Biology 22: 591-599.

53. Yuan Q-Y, Alpert P, An J, Gao J-Q, Han G-X, Yu F-H*. 2020. Clonal integration in Phagmites australis mitigates effects of oil pollution on greenhouse gas emissions in a coastal wetland. Science of the Total Environment 739: 140007.

54. Roiloa SR, Yu F-H, Barreiro R. 2020. EDITORIAL: Plant invasions: mechanisms, impacts and management. Flora 267: 151603.

55. Zhang L-M, Jin Y, Yao S-M, Lei N-F, Chen J-S, Zhang Q, Yu F-H*. 2020. Growth and morphological responses of duckweed to clonal fragmentation, nutrient availability, and population density. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:618.

56. Portela R, Dong B-C, Yu F-H, Barreiro R, Roiloa SR, Matos DMS. 2020. Trans-generational effects in the clonal invader Alternanthera philoxeroides. Journal of Plant Ecology 13: 122-129.

57. Tian X-K, Wang M-Y, Meng P, Zhang J-S, Zhou B-Z, Ge X-G*, Yu F-H*, Li M-H. 2020. Native bamboo invasions into subtropical forests alter microbial communities in litter and soil. Forests 11: 314.

58. Si C, Xue W*, Lin J, Zhang J-F, Hong M-M, Wang Y-Y, Zhang L-F, Yu F-H*. 2020. No evidence of greater biomass allocation to stolons at moderate resource levels in a floating plant Aquatic Ecology 54: 421-429.

59. Liu L, Alpert P, Dong B-C, Li J-M, Yu F-H*. 2020. Modification by earthworms of effects of soil heterogeneity and root foraging in eight species of grass. Science of the Total Environment 708: 134941.

60. Dong B-C, Alpert P, Yu F-H*. 2019. Transgenerational effects of herbivory and soil nutrients transmitted via vegetative reproduction in the clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40: 125498.

61. Wang Y-J, Chen D, Yan R, Yu F-H*, van Kleunen M. 2019. Invasive alien clonal plants are competitively superior over co-occurring native clonal plants. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40: 125484.

62. Klimešová J, Martínková J, Pausas JG, de Moraes MG, Herben T, Yu F-H, Puntieri J, Vesk PA, de Bello F, Janeček S, Altman J, Appezzato-da-Glória B, Bartušková A, Crivellaro A, Doležal J, Ott JP, Paula S, Schnablová R, Schweingruber FH, Ottaviani G. 2019. Handbook of standardized protocols for collecting plant modularity traits. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 40: 125485.

63. Si C, Jin Y, Lin J, Zhang J-F, Chen J-S, Yu F-H*. 2019. Physical space interacts with clonal fragmentation and nutrient availability to affect the growth of Salvinia natans. PloS One 14(12): e0226850.

64. Zhang L-M#, Hu H-Z#, Alpert P, Song L, Liu W-Y, Yu F-H*. 2019. Higher benefits of clonal integration in rhizome-derived than in frond-derived ramets of the tropical fern Bolbitis heteroclita. Flora 257: 151415.

65. Wan J-Z, Wang M-Z, Qin T-J, Bu X-Q, Li H-L, Yu F-H. 2019. Spatial environmental heterogeneity may drive functional trait variation in Hydrocotyle vulgaris (Araliaceae), an invasive aquatic plant. Aquatic Biology 28: 149-158.

66. Dong B-C, Meng J, Yu F-H*. 2019. Effects of parental light environment on growth and morphological responses of clonal offspring. Plant Biology 21: 1083–1089.

67. Cui L, Pan X, Li W, Zhang X, Liu G, Song Y-B, Song Y-B, Yu F-H, Prinzing A, Cornelissen JHC. 2019. Phragmites australis meets Suaeda salsa on the “red beach”: Effects of an ecosystem engineer on salt-marsh litter decomposition. Science of the Total Environment 693: 133477.

68. Wei G-W, Chen Y, Sun X-S, Chen Y-H, Luo F-L*, Yu F-H. 2019. Growth responses of eight wetland species to water level fluctuation with different ranges and frequencies. Plos One 14(7): e0220231.

69. Song M-H, Chen J, Xu X-L, Yu F-H, Jiang J, Zheng L-L, Cornelissen JHC. 2019. Decreased community litter decomposition associated with nitrogen-induced convergence in leaf traits in an alpine meadow. Soil & Tillage Research 194: 104332.

70. Wang X, Jiang Y, Ren H-Y, Yu F-H, Li M-H. 2019. Leaf and soil δ15N patterns along elevational gradients at both treelines and shrublines in three different climate zones. Forests 10: 557.

71. Li J, Oduor AMO, Yu F-H, Dong M. 2019. A native parasitic plant and soil microorganisms facilitate a native plant co-occurrence with an invasive plant. Ecology and Evolution 9: 8652–8663.

72. Qin T-J, Guan Y-T, Quan H, Dong B-C, Luo F-L, Zhang M-X, Li H-L*, Yu F-H. 2019. Growth traits of the exotic plant Hydrocotyle vulgaris and the evenness of resident plant communities are mediated by community age, not species diversity. Weed Research 59: 377-386.

73. Dong B-C, Yu F-H*, Roiloa SR. 2019. Editorial: Ecoepigenetics in clonal and inbreeding plants: transgenerational adaptation and environmental variation. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 622.

74. Adomako MO, Ning L, Tang M, Du D-L, van Kleunen M, Yu F-H*. 2019. Diversity- and density-mediated allelopathic effects of resident plant communities on invasion by an exotic plant. Plant and Soil 440: 581-592.

75. Wan J-Z, Wang C-J, Yu F-H*. 2019. Effects of occurrence record number, environmental variable number, and spatial scales on MaxEnt distribution modelling for invasive plants. Biologia 74: 757-766.

76. Si C, Zhang L-M, Yu F-H*. 2019. Effects of physical space and nutrients on the growth and intraspecific competition of a floating fern. Aquatic Ecology 53: 295-302.

77. Chen Q, Sun J-Q, Song L, Liu W-Y, Yu F-H, Li S, Gong H-D, Lu H-Z. 2019. Trait acclimation of the clonal fern Selliguea griffithiana to forestepiphytic and terrestrial habitats. Ecological Research 34: 406–414.

78. Dong B-C, Zhang L-M, Li K-Y, Hu X-T, Wang P, Wang Y-J, Luo F-L, Li H-L, Yu F-H*. 2019. Effects of clonal integration and nitrogen supply on responses of a clonal plant to short-term herbivory. Journal of Plant Ecology 12: 624635.

79. Portela R, Dong B-C, Yu F-H, Barreiro R, Roiloa SR. 2019. Effects of physiological integration on defense strategies against herbivory by the clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Journal of Plant Ecology 12: 662–672.

80. Ye X-Q, Yan Y-N, Wu N, Yu F-H. 2019. High capacity of nutrient accumulation by invasive Solidago canadensis in a coastal grassland. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 575. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00575

81. Liu Y-Y, Sun Y, Müller-Schärer H, Yan R, Zhou Z-X, Wang Y-J, Yu F-H. 2019. Do invasive alien plants differ from non-invasives in dominance and nitrogen uptake in response to variation of abiotic and biotic environments under global anthropogenic change? Science of the Total Environment 672: 634-642.

82. Liang J-F, An J, Gao J-Q*, Zhang X-Y, Song M-H, Yu F-H*. 2019. Interactive effects of biochar and AMF on plant growth and greenhouse gas emissions from wetland microcosms. Geoderma 346: 11-17.

83. Xing Y-P, Wei G-W, Luo F-L, Li C-Y, Dong B-C, Ji J-S, Yu F-H. 2019. Effects of salinity and clonal integration on the amphibious plant Paspalum paspaloides: growth, photosynthesis and tissue ion regulation. Journal of Plant Ecology 12: 45-55.

84. Gao F-L, Che X-X, Yu F-H*, Li J-M*. 2019. Cascading effects of nitrogen, rhizobia and parasitism via a host plant. Flora 251: 62-67.

85. Chen D, Ali A, Yong X-H, Lin C-G, Niu X-H, Cai A-M, Dong B-C, Zhou Z-X, Wang Y-J, Yu F-H. 2019. A multi-species comparison of selective placement patterns of ramets in invasive alien and native clonal plants to light, soil nutrient and water heterogeneity. Science of the Total Environment 657: 1568-1577.

86. Zhang L-M, Alpert P, Si C, Yu F-H*. 2019. Interactive effects of fragment size, nutrients, and interspecific competition on growth of the floating, clonal plant Salvinia natans. Aquatic Botany 153: 81-87

87. Wan J-Z, Chen L-X, Gao S, Song Y-B, Tian S-L, Yu F-H, Li J-M, Dong M. 2019. Ecological niche shift between diploid and tetraploid plants of Fragaria (Rosaceae) in China. South African Journal of Botany 121: 68–75

88. Zhang Q#, Liu Y-P#, Luo F-L, Dong B-C, Yu F-H*. 2019. Does species richness affect the growth and water quality of submerged macrophyte assemblages? Aquatic Botany 153: 51-57.

89. Wan J-Z, Wang C-J, Yu F-H*. 2019. Large-scale environmental niche variation between clonal and non-clonal plant species: Roles of clonal growth organs and ecoregions. Science of the Total Environment 652: 1071-1076.

90. Song M-H*, Guo Y, Yu F-H*, Zhang X-Z, Cao G-M, Cornelissen JHC. 2018. Shifts in priming partly explain impacts of long-term nitrogen input in different chemical forms on soil organic carbon storage. Global Change Biology 24: 4160-4172.

91. Luo F-L, Matsubara S, Chen Y, Wei G-W, Dong B-C, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H*. 2018. Consecutive submergence and de-submergence both impede growth of a riparian plant during water level fluctuations with different frequencies. Environmental and Experimental Botany 155: 641-649.

92. Song M-H, Zheng L-L, Yin T-F, Zhang X-Z, Yu F-H*, Cornelissen JHC. 2018. Changes in quantity rather than palatability of alpine meadow species induce cascading effects of long-term nitrogen fertilization on phytophagous insect abundance. Journal of Vegetation Science 29: 867–876

93. Wan J-Z, Wang C-J, Yu F-H*. 2018. Human footprint and climate disappearance in vulnerable ecoregions of protected areas. Global and Planetary Change 170: 260-268.

94. Dong B-C, Wang M-Z, Liu R-H, Luo F-L, Li H-L, Yu F-H*. 2018. Direct and legacy effects of herbivory on growth and physiology of a clonal plant. Biological Invasions 20: 3631–3645.

95. Wang M-Z, Bu X-Q, Li L, Dong B-C, Li H-L*, Yu F-H*. 2018. Constraints on the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in the clonal plant Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 31: 1006–1017.

96. Wang J*, Yu F-H*. 2018. Effects of functional diversity and functional dominance on complementary light use depend on evenness. Journal of Vegetation Science 29: 726-736.

97. Xue W, Huang L, Yu F-H*, Bezemer TM. 2018. Intraspecific aggregation and soil heterogeneity: competitive interactions of two clonal plants with contrasting spatial architecture. Plant and Soil 425: 231-240.

98. Gao J-Q*, Duan M-Y, Zhang X-Y, Li Q-W, Yu F-H*. 2018. Effects of frequency and intensity of drying-rewetting cycles on Hydrocotyle vulgaris growth and greenhouse gas emissions from wetland microcosms. Catena 164: 44-49.

99. Wang A, Wang X, Tognetti R, Lei J-P, Pan H-L, Liu X-L, Jiang Y, Wang X-Y, He P, Yu F-H*, Li M-H*. 2018. Elevation alters carbon and nutrient concentrations and stoichiometry in Quercus aquifolioides in southwestern China. Science of the Total Environment 622–623: 1463-1475.

100. Lin H-F, Alpert P, Zhang Q, Yu F-H*. 2018. Facilitation of amphibious habit by physiological integration in the clonal, perennial, climbing herb Ipomoea aquatica. Science of the Total Environment 618: 262-268.

101. Dong B-C, van Kleunen M, Yu F-H*. 2018. Context-dependent parental effects on clonal offspring performance. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1824.

102. Li M-H, Jiang Y, Wang A, Li X, Zhu W, Yan C-F, Du Z, Shi Z, Lei J, Schönbeck L, He P, Yu F-H, Wang X. 2018. Active summer carbon storage for winter persistence in trees at the cold alpine treeline. Tree Physiology 38: 1345-1355.

103. Wei G-W, Shu Q, Luo F-L, Chen Y-H, Dong B-C, Mo L-C, Huang W-J, Yu F-H. 2018. Separating effects of clonal integration on plant growth during submergence and de-submergence. Flora 246-247: 118-125.

104. Cong Y, Wang A, He H-S, Yu F-H, Tognetti R, Cherubini P, Wang X, Li M-H. 2018.  Evergreen Quercus aquifolioides remobilizes more soluble carbon components but less N and P from leaves to shoots than deciduous Betula ermanii at the end-season. IForest 11: 517-525.

105. Liang J-F, An J, Gao J-Q, Zhang X-Y, Yu F-H. 2018. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and soil nutrient addition on the growth of Phragmites australis under different drying-rewetting cycles. Plos One 13(1): e0191999.

106. Qin T-J, Guan Y-T, Zhang M-X, Li H-L, Yu F-H. 2018. Sediment type and nitrogen deposition affect the relationship between Alternanthera philoxeroides and experimental wetland plant communities. Marine and Freshwater Research 69: 811–822.

107. Wang Y-J, Müller-Schärer H, van Kleunen M, Cai A-M, Zhang P, Yan R, Dong B-C, Yu F-H*. 2017. Invasive alien plants benefit more from clonal integration in heterogeneous environments than natives. New Phytologist 216: 1072–1078.

108. Liu L, Alpert P, Dong B-C, Li J-M, Yu F-H*. 2017. Combined effects of soil heterogeneity, herbivory and detritivory on growth of the clonal plant Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Plant and Soil 421: 429-437.

109. Wang P, Alpert P, Yu F-H*. 2017. Clonal integration affects allocation in the perennial herb Alternanthera philoxeroides in N-limited, homogeneous environments. Folia Geobotanica 52: 303–315.

110. Wan J-Z, Wang C-J, Yu F-H*. 2017. Modeling impacts of human footprint and soil variability on the potential distribution of invasive plant species in different biomes. Acta Oecologica 85: 141-149.

111. Wan J-Z, Wang C-J, Yu F-H*. 2017. Wind effects on habitat distributions of wind-dispersed invasive plants across different biomes on a global scale: Assessment using six species. Ecological Informatics 42: 38-45.

112. Luo F-L, Xing Y-P, Wei G-W, Li C-Y, Yu F-H*. 2017. Clonal integration facilitates spread of Paspalum paspaloides from terrestrial to cadmium-contaminated aquatic habitats. Plant Biology 19: 859-867.

113. Guo Y, Liu L-P, Zheng L-L, Yu F-H, Song M-H, Zhang X-Z. 2017. Long-term grazing affects relationships between nitrogen form uptake and biomass of alpine meadow plants. Plant Ecology 218: 1035-1045.

114. Wan J-Z, Wang C-J, Yu F-H*. 2017. Spatial conservation prioritization for dominant tree species of Chinese forest communities under climate change. Climatic Change 144: 303-316.

115. Dong B-C, Fu T, Luo F-L, Yu F-H*. 2017. Herbivory-induced maternal effects on growth and defense traits in the clonal species Alternanthera philoxeroides. Science of the Total Environment 605-606: 114-123.

116. Tang M, Bever J, Yu F-H*. 2017. Open access increases citations of papers in ecology. Ecosphere 8(7): e01887.

117. Wang P, Li H, Pang X-Y, Wang A, Dong B-C, Lei J-P, Yu F-H*, Li M-H. 2017. Clonal integration increases tolerance of a phalanx clonal plant to defoliation. Science of the Total Environment 593-594: 236–241.

118. Yuan Q-Y, Wang P, Liu L, Dong B-C, Yu F-H. 2017. Root responses to nitrogen pulse frequency under different nitrogen amounts. Acta Oecologica 80: 32-38.

119. Wan J-Z, Wang C-J, Tan J-F, Yu F-H*. 2017. Climatic niche divergence and habitat suitability of eight alien invasive weeds in China under climate change. Ecology and Evolution 7: 1541-1552.

120. Liu L, Bu X-Q, Wan J-Y, Dong B-C, Luo F-L, Li H-L, Yu F-H. 2017. Impacts of sediment type on the performance and composition of submerged macrophyte communities. Aquatic Ecology 51: 167-176.

121. Zheng L-D, Zhang M-X, Xiao R, Chen J-X, Yu F-H. 2017. Impact of salinity and Pb on enzyme activities of a saline soil from the Yellow River delta: A microcosm study. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 97: 77-87.

122. Liu L, Dong B-C, Alpert P, Yu F-H*. 2017. Effects of soil substrate heterogeneity and moisture on interspecific competition between Alternanthera philoxeroides and four native species. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 528–537

123. Yin T-F, Zheng L-L, Cao G-M, Song M-H, Yu F-H. 2017. Species-specific phenological responses to long-term nitrogen fertilization in an alpine meadow. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 301-309.

124. Ma Z, Zhang M, Xiao R, Cui Y, Yu F-H. 2017. Changes in soil microbial biomass and community composition in coastal wetlands affected by restoration projects in a Chinese delta. Geoderma 289: 124-134.

125. Pan X, Ping Y-M, Cui L-J, Li W, Zhang X-D, Zhou J, Yu F-H, Prinzing A. 2017. Plant litter submergence affects the water quality of a constructed wetland. Plos One 12(1): e0171019.

126. Zhou J, Li H-L, Alpert P, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H*. 2017. Fragmentation of the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides decreases its growth but not its competitive effect. Flora 228: 17-23.

127. Luo F-L, Huang L, Lei T, Xue W, Li H-L, Yu F-H*, Cornelissen JHC. 2016. Responsiveness of performance and morphological traits to experimental submergence predict field distribution pattern of wetland plants. Journal of Vegetation Science 27: 340-351.

128. Ning L, Yu F-H*, van Kleunen M. 2016. Allelopathy of a native grassland community as a potential mechanism of resistance against invasion by introduced plants. Biological Invasions 18: 3481-3493.

129. Gao J*, Feng J, Zhang X, Yu F-H*, Xu X, Kuzyakov Y. 2016. Drying-rewetting cycles alter carbon and nitrogen mineralization in litter-amended alpine wetland soil. Catena 145: 285-290.

130. Yu F-H*, Roiloa SR, Alpert P. 2016. Editorial: global change, clonal growth, and biological invasions by plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 1467.

131. Li J, Du L, Guan W, Yu F-H, van Kleunen M. 2016. Latitudinal and longitudinal clines of phenotypic plasticity in the invasive herb Solidago canadensis in China. Oecologia 182: 755-764.

132. Feng Y, Maurel N, Wang Z, Ning L, Yu F-H, van Kleunen M. 2016. Introduction history, climatic suitability, native range size, species traits and their interactions explain establishment of Chinese woody species in Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25: 1356-1366.

133. Wan J-Z, Wang C-J, Yu F-H*. 2016. Risk hotspots for terrestrial plant invaders under climate change at the global scale. Environmental Earth Sciences 75: 1012.

134. Wan J-Z, Wang C-J, Yu F-H*. 2016. Impacts of the spatial scale of climate data on the modeled distribution probabilities of invasive tree species throughout the world. Ecological Informatics 36: 42-49.

135. Wang P, Alpert P, Yu F-H*. 2016. Clonal integration increases relative competitive ability in an invasive, aquatic plant. American Journal of Botany 103: 2079-2086.

136. Wang Y-J, Shi X-P, Wu X-J, Meng X-F, Wang P-C, Zhou Z-X, Luo F-L, Yu F-H*. 2016. Effects of patch contrast and arrangement on benefits of clonal integration in a rhizomatous clonal plant. Scientific Reports 6: 35459.

137. Wang P, Zhang Q, Xu Y-S, Yu F-H*. 2016. Effects of water level fluctuation on the growth of submerged macrophyte communities. Flora 223: 83-89.

138. Wang Y-J, Shi X-P, Meng X-F, Wu X-J, Luo F-L, Yu F-H*. 2016. Effects of spatial patch arrangement and scale of covarying resources on growth and intraspecific competition of a clonal plant. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 753.

139. Lu H-Z, Song L, Liu W-Y*, Xu X-L, Hu Y-H, Shi X-M, Li S, Ma W-Z, Chang Y-F, Fan Z-X, Lu S-G, Wu Y, Yu F-H*. 2016. Survival and growth of epiphytic ferns depend on resource sharing. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 416.

140. Xue W, Huang L, Yu F-H*. 2016. Spatial heterogeneity in soil particle size: does it affect the yield of plant communities with different species richness? Journal of Plant Ecology 9: 608-615.

141. Luo F-L, Jiang X-X, Li H-L, Yu F-H*. 2016. Does hydrological fluctuation alter impacts of species richness on biomass in wetland plant communities? Journal of Plant Ecology 9: 434-441.

142. Yao X, Xiao R, Ma Z, Xie Y, Zhang M, Yu F-H. 2016. Distribution and contamination assessment of heavy metals in soils from tidal flat, oil exploitation zone and restored wetland in the Yellow River Estuary. Wetlands 36: S153-S165.

143. Xiao R, Zhang M, Yao X, Ma Z, Yu FH, Bai J. 2016. Heavy metal distribution in different soil aggregate size classes from restored brackish marsh, oil exploitation zone, and tidal mud flat of the Yellow River Delta. Journal of Soils and Sediments 16: 821-830.

144. Song M-H, Yu F-H*. 2015. Reduced compensatory effects explain the nitrogen-mediated reduction in stability of an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. New Phytologist 207: 70-77.

145. Dong B-C, Alpert P, Zhang Q, Yu F-H*. 2015. Clonal integration in homogeneous environments increases performance of Alternanthera philoxeroides. Oecologia 179: 393–403.

146. Song M-H, Zheng L-L, Suding KN, Yin T-F, Yu F-H*. 2015. Plasticity in nitrogen form uptake and preference in response to long-term nitrogen fertilization. Plant and Soil 394: 215–224.

147. Li H-L, Wang Y-Y, Zhang Q, Wang P, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H*. 2015. Vegetative propagule pressure and water depth affect biomass and evenness of submerged macrophyte communities. PloS ONE 10(11): e0142586.

148. Keser LH, Visser EJW, Dawson W, Song Y-B, Yu F-H, Fischer M, Dong M, van Kleunen M. 2015. Herbaceous plant species invading natural areas tend to have stronger adaptive root foraging than other naturalized species. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 273.

149. Mo Y, Deng Z-H, Gao J-Q*, Guo Y-X, Yu F-H*. 2015. Does richness of emergent plants affect CO2 and CH4 emissions in experimental wetlands? Freshwater Biology 60: 1537–1544.

150. Li H-L, Xu Y-S, Wang Y-Y, Yu N-Q, Zhang M-X, Lei G-C, Yu F-H*. 2015. Does clonal fragmentation of the floating plant Eichhornia crassipes affect the growth of submerged macrophyte communities? Folia Geobotanica 50: 283–291.

151. Li S-L, Yu F-H, Werger MJA, Dong M, During HJ, Zuidema PA. 2015. Mobile dune fixation by a fast-growing clonal plant: a full life-cycle analysis. Scientific Reports 5: 8935.

152. Lu H-Z, Liu W-Y, Yu F-H, Song L, Xu X-L, Wu C-S, Zheng Y-L, Li Y-P, Gong H-D, Chen K, Li Su, Chen X, Qi J-H, Lu S-G. 2015. Higher clonal integration in the facultative epiphytic fern Selliguea griffithiana growing in the forest canopy compared with the forest understorey. Annals of Botany 116:113-122  

153. Gao J-Q, Gao J-J, Zhang X-W, Xu X-L, Deng Z-H, Yu F-H. 2015. Effects of waterlogging on carbon assimilate partitioning in the Zoigê alpine wetland revealed by 13CO2 pulse labeling. Scientific Reports, 5: 9411.

154. Wang A, Jiang X-X, Zhang Q-Q, Zhou J, Li H-L, Luo F-L, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H. 2015. Nitrogen addition increases intraspecific competition in the invasive wetland plant Alternanthera philoxeroides, but not in its native congener Alternanthera sessilis. Plant Species Biology 30: 176–183.

155. Dong B-C, Liu R-H, Yu F-H*. 2015. Effects of Spirogyra arcta on biomass and structure of submerged macrophyte communities. Plant Species Biology 30: 28-36.

156. Dong B-C, Wang J-Z, Liu R-H, Zhang M-X, Luo F-L, Yu F-H. 2015. Soil heterogeneity affects ramet placement of Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Journal of Plant Ecology 8: 91-100.

157. Gao J-Q, Mo Y, Xu X-L, Zhang X-W, Yu F-H*. 2014. Spatiotemporal variations affect uptake of inorganic and organic nitrogen by dominant plant species in an alpine wetland. Plant and Soil 381: 271-278.

158. Luo F-L, Chen Y, Huang L, Wang A, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H*. 2014. Shifting effects of physiological integration on performance of a clonal plant during submergence and de-submergence. Annals of Botany 113: 1265-1274.

159. Li H-L, Ning L, Alpert P, Li J-M, Yu F-H*. 2014. Responses to simulated nitrogen deposition in invasive and native or non-invasive clonal plants in China. Plant Ecology 215: 1483-1492.

160. Dong M*, Yu F-H*, Alpert P*. 2014. Ecological consequences of plant clonality. Annals of Botany 114: 367.

161. Liu R-H, Chen QW, Dong BC, Yu FH. 2014. Effects of vegetative propagule pressure on the establishment of an introduced clonal plant, Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Scientific Reports 4: 5507.

162. Cornelissen JHC, Song Y-B, Yu F-H, Dong M. 2014. Plant traits and ecosystem effects of clonality: a new research agenda. Annals of Botany 114: 369-376.

163. Zhang Q, Xu Y-S, Huang L, Xue W, Sun G-Q, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H. 2014. Does mechanical disturbance affect the performance and species composition of submerged macrophyte communities? Scientific Reports 4: 4888.

164. Wang P, Xu Y-S, Dong B-C, Xue W, Yu F-H*. 2014. Effects of clonal fragmentation on intraspecific competition of a stoloniferous floating plant. Plant Biology 16:1121–1126.

165. Keser LH, Dawson W, Song Y-B, Yu F-H, Fischer M, Dong M, van Kleunen M. 2014. Invasive clonal plant species have a greater root-foraging plasticity than non-invasive ones. Oecologia 174:1055–1064.

166. Li S-L, Yu F-H*, Werger MJA, Dong M, Ramula S, Zuidema PA. 2013. Understanding the effects of a new grazing policy: the impact of seasonal grazing on shrub demography in the Inner Mongolian steppe. Journal of Applied Ecology 50: 1377–1386.

167. Song Y-B, Yu F-H*, Li J-M, Keser LH, Fischer M, Dong M, van Kleunen M. 2013. Plant invasiveness is not linked to the capacity of regeneration from small fragments: an experimental test with 39 stoloniferous species. Biological Invasions 15: 1367–1376.

168. Xue W, Huang L, Dong B-C, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H. 2013. Patchy distributions of competitors affect the growth of a clonal plant when the competitor density is high. PloS ONE 8(10): e78221.

169. Huang L, Dong B-C, Xue W, Peng Y-K, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H*. 2013. Soil particle heterogeneity affects the growth of a rhizomatous wetland plant. PloS ONE 8(7): e69836.

170. Dong B-C, Wang J-Z, Liu R-H, Zhang M-X, Yu F-H*. 2013. Effects of heterogeneous competitor distribution and ramet aggregation on the growth and size structure of a clonal plant. PloS ONE 8(7): e68557.

171. Xu L, Yu F-H*, Werger M, Dong M, Anten NPR. 2013. Interactive effects of mechanical stress, sand burial and defoliation on growth and mechanical properties in Cynanchum komarovii. Plant Biology 15: 126-134.

172. Xu L, Freitas SMA, Yu F-H, Dong M, Anten NPR, Werger MJA. 2013. Effects of trampling on morphological and mechanical traits of dryland shrub species do not depend on water availability. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53021.

173. Ning L, Liu C-X, He W-M, Yu F-H*. 2013. Interactions of the indigenous evergreen shrub Sabina vulgaris with coexisting species in the Mu Us sandland. Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 48-56.

174. Song Y-B, Yu F-H*, Keser LH, Dawson W, Fischer M, Dong M*, van Kleunen M. 2013. United we stand, divided we fall: a meta-analysis of experiments on clonal integration and its relationship to invasiveness. Oecologia 171: 317-327.

175. Song M-H, Yu F-H*, Ouyang H, Cao G-M, Xu X-L, Cornelissen JHC. 2012. Different inter-annual responses to availability and form of nitrogen explain species coexistence in an alpine meadow community after release from grazing. Global Change Biology 18: 3100-3111.

176. Xu L, Yu F-H*, van Drunen E, Schieving F, Dong M*, Anten NPR. 2012. Trampling, defoliation and physiological integration affect growth, morphological and mechanical properties of a root-suckering clonal tree. Annals of Botany 109: 1001-1008.

177. Dong B-C, Alpert P, Guo W, Yu F-H*. 2012. Effects of fragmentation on the survival and growth of the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Biological Invasions 14: 1101-1110.

178. Zhou J, Dong B-C, Alpert P, Li H-L, Zhang M-X, Lei G-C, Yu F-H*. 2012. Effects of soil nutrient heterogeneity on intraspecific competition in the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. Annals of Botany 109: 813–818.

179. Wang P, Lei J-P, Li M-H, Yu F-H*. 2012. Spatial heterogeneity in light supply affects intraspecific competition of a stoloniferous clonal plant. PloS ONE 7(6): e39105.

180. Zhang Q, Dong B-C, Li H-L, Liu R-H, Luo F-L, Zhang M-X*, Lei G-C, Yu F-H*. 2012. Does light heterogeneity affect structure and biomass of submerged macrophyte communities? Botanical Studies 53: 377-385.

181. Li J-M, Alpert P, Yu F-H*. 2012. Multiclonal tussocks in the grass Achnatherum splendens (Trinius) Nevskia (Poaceae). Flora 207: 581-585.

182. Lin H-F, Alpert P, Yu F-H*. 2012. Effects of fragment size and water depth on performance of stem fragments of the invasive, amphibious, clonal plant Ipomoea aquatica. Aquatic Botany 99: 34-40.

183. Liu R-H, Dong B-C, Li H-L, Zhang Q, Yu F-H*. 2012. Patchy distributions of Spirogyra arcta do not affect growth of the submerged macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum. Plant Species Biology 27: 210–217.

184. Yu F-H*, Herben T, Wildova R, Hershock, C, Goldberg DE. 2012. Can we predict performance and spatial structure of two-species mixtures using only single species information from monocultures? Ecological Modelling 234: 31-37.

185. Li S-L, Yu F-H*, Werger MJA, Dong M*, Zuidema PA. 2011. Habitat-specific demography across dune fixation stages in a semi-arid sandland: understanding the expansion, stabilization and decline of a dominant shrub. Journal of Ecology 99: 610-620.

186. He W-M, Alpert P, Yu F-H, Zhang L-L, Dong M. 2011. Reciprocal and coincident patchiness of multiple resources differentially affect benefits of clonal integration in two perennial plants. Journal of Ecology 99: 1202-1210.

187. Guo W, Song Y-B, Yu F-H*. 2011. Heterogeneous light supply affects growth and biomass allocation of the understory fern Diplopterygium glaucum at high patch contrast. PloS ONE 6(11): e27998.

188. Dong B-C, Liu R-H, Zhang Q, Li H-L, Zhang M-X, Lei G-C, Yu F-H*. 2011. Burial depth and stolon internode length independently affect survival of small clonal fragments. PloS ONE 6(9): e23942.

189. Wang Y-H, Dong M, Yu F-H, Jiang H, Yu S-Q, Lin X-Q, He W-M. 2011. Mechanical shaking and soil water affect the growth of Psammochloa villosa in the Mu Us Sandland. Journal of Arid Environments 75: 974-977.

190. Li P-X, Krusi BO, Li S-L, Cai X-H, Yu F-H*. 2011. Facilitation associated with three contrasting shrub species in heavily grazed pastures on the Tibetan Plateau. Community Ecology 12: 1-8.

191. Yu F-H*, Schütz M, Page-Dumroese DS, Krüsi BO, Schneller J, Wildi O, Risch AC. 2011. Carex sempervirens tussocks induce spatial heterogeneity in litter decomposition, but not in soil properties, in a subalpine grassland in the Central Alps. Flora 206: 373-379.

192. Li P-X, Krüsi BO, Li S-L, Cai X-H, Yu F-H*. 2011. Can Potentilla fruticosa Linn. shrubs facilitate the herb layer of heavily grazed pasture on the eastern Tibetan Plateau? Polish Journal of Ecology 59: 129-140.

193. Yu F-H*, Li P-X, Li S-L, He W-M. 2010. Kobresia tibetica tussocks facilitate plant species inside them and increase diversity and reproduction. Basic and Applied Ecology 11: 743-751.

194. Dong B-C, Zhang M-X, Alpert P, Lei G-C, Yu F-H*. 2010. Effects of orientation on survival and growth of small fragments of the invasive, clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides. PloS ONE 5: e13631.

195. Dong B-C, Yu G-L, Guo W, Zhang M-X, Dong M, Yu F-H*. 2010. How internode length, position and presence of leaves affect survival and growth of Alternanthera philoxeroides after fragmentation? Evolutionary Ecology 24:1447–1461.

196. Wang Y-H, Yu F-H, Dong M, Lin X-Q, Jiang H, He W-M.  2010. Growth and biomass allocation of Lolium perenne seedlings in response to mechanical stimulation and water availability. Annales Botanici Fennici 47:367-372.

197. He W-M, Yu F-H, Zhang L-L. 2010. Physiological integration impacts nutrient use and stoichiometry in three clonal plants under heterogeneous habitats. Ecological Research 25: 967–972.

198. Tang M, Yu F-H, Jin X-B, Ge S. 2010. High genetic diversity in the naturally rare plant Taihangia rupestris Yü et Li (Rosaceae) dwelling only cliff faces. Polish Journal of Ecology 58: 241-248.

199. Li S-L, Zuidema PA, Yu F-H*, Werger MJA, Dong M*. 2010. Effects of denudation and burial on growth and reproduction of Artemisia ordosica in Mu Us sandland. Ecological Research 25: 655-661.

200. Li S-L, Werger MJA, Zuidema PA, Yu F-H*, Dong M*. 2010. Seedlings of the semi-shrub Artemisia ordosica are resistant to moderate wind denudation and sand burial in Mu Us sandland, China. Trees 24: 515–521.

201. Yu F-H*, Wang N, He W-M, Dong M. 2010. Effects of clonal integration on species composition and biomass of sand dune communities. Journal of Arid Environments 74: 632-637.

202. Du J, Wang N, Alpert P, Yu M-J, Yu F-H*, Dong M. 2010. Clonal integration increases performance of ramets of the fern Diplopterygium glaucum in an evergreen forest in southeastern China. Flora 205: 399-403.

203. Yu F-H*, Wang N, Alpert P, He W-M, Dong M. 2009. Physiological integration in an introduced, invasive plant increases its spread into experimental communities and modifies their structure. American Journal of Botany 96: 1983–1989.

204. Du J, Yu F-H*, Alpert P, Dong M*. 2009. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi reduce effects of physiological integration in Trifolium repens. Annals of Botany 104: 335-343.

205. Yu F-H*, Krusi BO, Schneller JJ, Schutz M, Tang M, Wildi O. 2009. Positive correlation between vegetation dissimilarity and genetic differentiation of Carex sempervirens. Flora 204: 651-657.

206. Wang Y-H, He W-M, Yu F-H, Zhang L-L, Cui Q-G, Chu Y, Dong M. 2009. Brushing effects on the growth and mechanical properties of Corispermum mongolicum vary with water regimes. Plant Biology 11: 694-700.

207. Wang N, Yu F-H*, Li P-X, He W-M, Liu J, Yu G-L, Song Y-B, Dong M. 2009. Clonal integration supports the expansion from terrestrial to aquatic environments of the amphibious stoloniferous herb Alternanthera philoxeroides. Plant Biology 11: 483-489.

208. Liu H-D, Yu F-H*, He W-M, Chu Y, Dong M*. 2009. Clonal integration improves compensatory growth in heavily grazed ramet populations of two inland-dune grasses. Flora 204: 298-305.

209. Zhang JY, Cheng GW, Yu F-H, Krauchi N, Li MH. 2009. Interspecific variations in responses of Festuca rubra and Trifolium pratense to a severe clipping under environmental changes. Biologia 64: 292-298.  

210. Yu F-H, Wang N, He W-M, Chu Y, Dong M. 2008. Adaptation of rhizome connections in drylands: Increasing tolerance of clones to wind erosion. Annals of Botany 102: 571-577.

211. Yu H, Yu F-H*, Miao S-L, Dong M*. 2008. Holoparasitic Cuscuta campestris suppresses invasive Mikania micrantha and contributes to native community recovery. Biological Conservation 141: 2653-2661.

212. Wang N, Yu F-H*, Li P-X, He W-M, Liu F-H, Liu J-M, Dong M*. 2008. Clonal integration affects growth, photosynthetic efficiency and biomass allocation, but not the competitive ability, of the alien invasive Alternanthera philoxeroides. Annals of Botany 101: 671-678.

213. Li P-X, Wang N, He W-M, Krüsi BO, Gao S-Q, Zhang S-M, Yu F-H*, Dong M*. 2008. Fertile islands under Artemisia ordosica in inland dunes of northern China: Effects of habitats and plant developmental stages. Journal of Arid Environments 72: 953-963.

214. Yu F-H*, Krüsi B, Schütz M, Schneller JJ, Wildi O. 2008. Plant communities affect the species-area relationship on Carex sempervirens tussocks. Flora 203: 197-203.

215. Zhang JY, Cheng GW, Yu F-H, Krauchi N, Li M-H. 2008. Intensity and importance of competition for a grass (Festuca rubra L.) and a legume (Trifolium pretense L.) vary with environmental changes. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 50: 1570-1579.

216. Huang B-Q, Yang X-Q, Yu F-H, Luo Y-B, Tai Y-D. 2008. Surprisingly high orchid diversity in travertine and forest areas in the Huanglong valley, China, and implications for conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation 17: 2773-2786.

217. Wang Y-H, He W-M, Dong M, Yu F-H, Zhang L-L, Cui Q-G, Chu Y. 2008. Effects of shaking on the growth and mechanical properties of Hedysarum laeve may be independent of water regimes. International Journal of Plant Sciences 169: 503-508.

218. Liu F-H, Yu F-H*, Liu W-S, Krüsi BO, Cai X-H, Schneller JJ, Dong M*. 2007. Large clones on cliff faces: expanding by rhizomes through crevices. Annals of Botany 100: 51-54.

219. Liu H-D, Yu F-H, He W-M, Chu Y, Dong M. 2007. Are clonal plants more tolerant to grazing than co-occurring non-clonal plants in inland dunes? Ecological Research 22, 502-506.

220. Liu F-H, Liu J, Yu F-H, Dong M. 2007. Water integration patterns in two rhizomatous dune perennials of different clonal fragment size. Flora 202: 106-110.

221. He ZS, He WM, Yu F-H, Shi PL, Zhang XZ, He YT, Zhong ZM, Dong M. 2007. Do clonal growth form and habitat origin affect resource-induced plasticity in Tibetan alpine herbs? Flora 202: 408-416.

222. Yu F-H*, Krusi B, Schutz M, Schneller J, Wildi O. 2006. Is vegetation inside Carex sempervirens tussocks highly specific or an image of the surrounding vegetation? Journal of Vegetation Science 17: 567-576.

223. Ye X-H, Yu F-H, Dong M. 2006.A trade-off between guerilla and phalanx growth forms in Leymus secalinus under different nutrient supplies. Annals of Botany 98: 187-191.

224. Yu F-H*, Schneller J, Krusi B, Schutz M, Tang M, Wildi O. 2006. Genetic variability within Carex sempervirens tussocks of contrasting vitality. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 167: 513-518.

225. Chu Y, Yu F-H, Dong M. 2006. Clonal plasticity in response to reciprocal patchiness of light and nutrients in the stoloniferous herb Glechoma longituba L. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 48: 400-408.

226. Yu F-H, Dong M, Krusi B. 2004. Clonal integration helps Psammochloa villosa survive sand burial in an inland dune. New Phytologist 162: 697-704.

227. Tang M, Yu F-H, Zhang SM, Niu SL, Jin XB. 2004. Taihangia rupestris, a rare herb dwelling cliff faces: responses to irradiance. Photosynthetica 42: 237-242.

228. Liao MJ, Yu F-H, Song MH, Zhang SM, Zhang JZ, Dong M. 2003. Plasticity in R/S ratio, morphology and fitness-related traits in response to reciprocal patchiness of light and nutrients in the stoloniferous herb, Glechoma longituba L. Acta Oecologica 24: 231-239.

229. Yu F-H, Dong M. 2003. Effect of light intensity and nutrient availability on clonal growth and clonal morphology of the stoloniferous herb Halerpestes ruthenica. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 45: 408-416.

230. Zhang CY, Yu F-H, Chen, YF, Dong M. 2003. Phenotypic plasticity in response to the heterogeneous water supply in the rhizomatous grass species, Calamagrostis epigejos in the Mu Us sandy land of China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 45: 1210-1217.

231. Yu F-H, Chen YF, Dong M. 2002. Clonal integration enhances survival and performance of Potentilla anserina, suffering from partial sand burial on Ordos plateau, China. Evolutionary Ecology 15: 303-318.

232. Zhang CY, Yu F-H, Dong M. 2002. Effects of sand burial on the survival, growth, and biomass allocation in semi-shrub Hedysarum laeve seedling. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 44: 337-343.

233. Chen YF, Yu F-H, Dong M. 2002. Scale-dependent spatial heterogeneity of vegetation in Mu Us sandy land, a semi-arid area of China. Plant Ecology 162: 135-142.

234. Yu F-H, Dong M, Zhang CY. 2002. Intraclonal resource sharing and functional specialization of ramets in response to resource heterogeneity in three stoloniferous herbs. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 44: 468-473.

235. Yu F-H, Dong M. 1999. Multi-scale distribution pattern of natural ramet populations in the rhizomatous herb, Thermopsis lanceolata. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 41: 1332-1338.

Peer-reviewed non-SCI papers

236. 罗芳丽、王沫竹、董必成、陈禹含、于飞海. 克隆与有性亲体效应及其调控机制. 生态学报 (accepted)

237. 申静霞、李迈和、于飞海、贺云龙、袁秀锦、雷静品. 2021. 川西云杉幼苗非结构性碳水化合物对土壤温度和水分变化的响应. 生态学报422: 503-512

238. 陈禹含、罗亦夫、 孙鑫晟、 魏冠文、黄文军、罗芳丽、于飞海. 2021. 根部水淹和土壤养分提升对三峡库区消落带高低高程水蓼生长和繁殖特性的影响. 植物生态学报

239. 宋明华、陈锦、蒋婧、王枫、于飞海2020. 13CO2示踪不同化学形态氮素添加对高寒草甸植物光合碳分配的影响.生态学报40( 11) : 3688-3697

240. 申静霞、 袁秀锦、 李迈和、 于飞海 王雪、 刘录、 贺云龙、 雷静品. 2019. 土壤温度和水分变化对川西云杉幼苗氮和磷含量的影响. 林业科学 55 (4): 31-41

241. 王婉丽、袁庆叶、 董必成、高俊琴、韩广轩、于飞海*. 2019. 克隆整合和石油污染对芦苇湿地土壤理化性质的影响. 生态学报 39: 9179-9187.

242. 牛雨欣、宁 磊、董必成、罗芳丽、李红丽、于飞海. 2019. 异质光照环境下克隆整合对南美蟛蜞菊和蟛蜞菊种间关系的影响. 生态学报39(22): 8585-8594.

243. 官玉婷、秦天健、牛雨欣、宁磊、李红丽、于飞海. 2018. 土壤养分异质性和种间竞争对互花米草和芦苇生长繁殖特性的影响. 生态学杂志 37: 2896-2904.

244. Tan JF, Wan JZ, Luo F, Yu FH. 2018. Relationships between genetic diversity of vascular plant species and climate factors. Journal of Resources and Ecology 9: 663-672.

245. 庞晓瑜、袁秀锦、王 奥、李迈和、刘兴良、潘红丽、于飞海、雷静品. 2018. 模拟增温和功能群去除对岷江冷杉幼苗存活和生长的影响. 应用生态学报 29: 687-695.

246. 高芳磊、郭素民、闫明、李钧敏、于飞海*. 2018. 不同生境下空心莲子草响应模拟昆虫采食的生长和化学防御策略. 生态学报38: 2344-2352.

247. 袁庆叶、安菁、高俊琴、韩广轩、于飞海*. 2018. 芦苇克隆整合对受石油污染湿地土壤微生物群落结构和生物量的影响. 生态学报38: 215-225.

248. 卜祥祺、刘琳、穆亚楠、官玉婷、李红丽、于飞海. 2017. 水位波动对南美蟛蜞菊和蟛蜞菊种内及种间关系的影响. 应用生态学报 28: 797-804.

249. 王沫竹、董必成、李红丽、于飞海. 2016. 根茎型植物扁秆荆三棱对光照强度和养分水平的生长响应及资源分配策略. 生态学报36(24): 8091-8101.

250. 郑莉莉、宋明华、尹谭凤、于飞海*. 2016. 青藏高原高寒草甸门源草原毛虫取食偏好及其与植物CN含量的关系. 生态学报 36: 2319-2326.

251. 周建、李红丽、罗芳丽、黄文军、张明祥、于飞海. 2015. 施氮对空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)和莲子草(Alternanthera sessilis)种间关系的影响. 生态学报35: 8258-8267.

252. 王永阳、罗芳丽、李红丽、于飞海. 2014. 初始密度对3种沉水植物生物量、节数和茎长的影响. 湿地科学 12: 740-746.

253. 姜星星、董必成、罗芳丽、朱 锐、 徐希一、李红丽、于飞海. 2014. 光强对比度对大米草克隆整合作用的影响. 应用生态学报 25: 2826-2832.

254. 彭一可、罗芳丽、李红丽、于飞海*. 2013. 根状茎型植物扁秆荆三棱对土壤养分异质性尺度和对比度的生长响应. 植物生态学报37335-343.

255. Miao SL, Li Y, Guo QF, Yu H, Ding JQ, Yu F-H, Liu J, Zhang XH, Dong M. 2012. Potential alternatives to classical biocontrol: using native agents in invaded habitats and genetically engineered sterile cultivars for invasive plant management. Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology 6 (Special Issue 1): 17-21.

256. 刘建、李钧敏、余华、何维明、于飞海、桑卫国、刘国方、董鸣. 2010. 植物功能性状与外来植物入侵. 生物多样性18: 569-576.

257. 王艳红、何维明、于飞海、江洪、余树全、董鸣. 2010. 植物响应对风致机械刺激研究进展. 生态学报30794-800.

258. Yu F-H, Krusi B, Schutz M, Schneller J, Wildi O. 2008. Population dynamics and within-tussock-succession in a Carex sempervirens subalpine grassland in the Swiss Alps. The Open Forest Science Journal 1: 8-15 (Invited).

259. Liu F-H, Yu F-H, Ye X-H, Dong M. 2007. Clonal integration modifies growth and reproduction of the bunchgrass Cleistogenes squarrosa in nutrient-heterogeneous conditions. Ekologia 26: 352-361.

260. 张淑敏、于飞海、董鸣. 2007. 土壤养分水平影响绢毛匍匐委陵菜匍匐茎生物量投资. 植物生态学报31 652-657.

261. 梁士楚、张淑敏、于飞海、董鸣. 2007. 绢毛匍匐委陵菜与土壤有效磷的小尺度空间相关分析. 植物生态学报31: 613-618.

262. 董鸣、于飞海、安树青、何维明、梁士楚. 2007. 植物克隆性的生态学意义. 植物生态学报31549-551.

263. 董鸣、于飞海. 2007. 克隆植物生态学术语和概念. 植物生态学报31: 689-694.

264. 黄宝强、罗毅波、于飞海、唐思远、董立、安德军. 2007. 四川黄龙沟森林植被中兰科植物群落优势种种间联结和相关分析. 植物生态学报31 865-872.

265. 刘凤红、叶学华、于飞海、董鸣. 2006. 毛乌素沙地游击型克隆半灌木羊柴对局部沙埋的反应. 植物生态学报30(2): 278-285.

266. 张淑敏、陈玉福、于飞海、邢雪荣、李凌浩、董鸣. 2003. 林下和林窗内绢毛匍匐委陵菜的克隆生长和克隆形态. 植物生态学报27: 567-571.

267. 刘健、朱选伟、于飞海、董鸣、张淑敏、王仁卿. 2003. 浑善达克沙地榆树疏林生态系统的空间异质性. 环境科学24: 29-34.

268. 于飞海、董鸣、张称意、张淑敏. 2002. 匍匐茎草本金戴戴对基质盐分含量的表型可塑性. 植物生态学报26: 140-148.

269. 陈玉福、于飞海、张称意、董鸣. 2001. 根茎禾草沙鞭的克隆生长在毛乌素沙地斑块动态中的作用. 生态学报21: 1745-1750.

270. 陈玉福、于飞海、董鸣. 2000. 毛乌素沙地沙生半灌木群落的空间异质性. 生态学报 20: 568-572.

271. 于飞海、董鸣. 2001. 生态学研究热点克隆植物生态学. 植物杂志332-33 (约稿).

Books/book chapters

272. Roiloa S, Yu F-H, Barreiro R. 2020. Plant invasions: mechanisms, impacts and management. Flora 267: 151603.

273. Dong B-C, Yu F-H*, Roiloa SR, eds. 2019. Ecoepigenetics in Clonal and Inbreeding Plants: Transgenerational Adaptation and Environmental Variation. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-997-1

274. Yu F-H*, Roiloa SR, Alpert P, eds. 2016. Global Change, Clonal Growth, and Biological Invasions by Plants. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-046-6.

275. 李守丽、李守中、于飞海*. 2016.积分投影模型在种群统计中的应用. 见:董鸣主编, 《生态学透视:种群生态学》. 北京:科学出版社。

276. 董鸣、于飞海等编著.2011.克隆植物生态学.北京:科学出版社.

277. 于飞海、董鸣. 2007. 分株的功能特化与合作:克隆内分工. 李承森编. 植物科学进展(第七卷),35-45.

278. 董鸣、陈玉福、于飞海、张称意. 1999. 克隆植物在过渡带环境治理中的价值. 见:董鸣,MJA Werger 编著,生态学研究文集. 重庆:西南师范大学出版社. 14-19.