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2011.09 - 2015.06 甘肃农业大学林学院园林专业,农学学士

2015.09 - 2018.06 四川农业大学林学院林业专业,林业硕士

2018.09 - 2023.06 四川农业大学林学院森林培育专业,农学博士


2023.06 - 至今 新伟德国际1946,讲师


研究:在极端气候事件(台风、降雨及干旱等)背景下,以森林植物凋落物分解、碎屑食物网与土壤有机质周转入手,探讨生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系(Biodiversity–Ecosystem Functioning)及植物与土壤的反馈机制(Plant–Soil Feedback)。

兼职:Ecological Applications,Soil Biology and Biochemistry,Plant and Soil,Forest Ecology and Management等杂志审稿人。



  1. 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目:台风产生的森林非生理性凋落叶与分解中的生理性凋落叶混合分解机制,2025-2027,主持;

  2. 伟德国际victor1946科研启动经费,2023,主持;

  3. 国家自然基金区域创新发展联合重点支持项目:台风干扰对浙江东南沿海山地森林非正常凋落物生产和土壤有机质积累的影响,2023-2026,参与;


  4. Wang L, Zhou Y, Chen Y, Xu Z, Zhang J*, Liu Y*, Joly FX. Litter diversity accelerates labile carbon but slows recalcitrant carbon decomposition. Soil Biol. Biochem. 2022, 168: 108632.

  5. Wang L, Zhou Y, Chen Y, Xu Z, Zhang J*, Liu Y*. Home-field advantage and ability alter labile and recalcitrant litter carbon decomposition in an alpine forest ecotone. Plant Soil. 2022, 485: 213–225.

  6. Wang L, Chen Y, Zhou Y, Xu Z, Tan B, You C, Zhang L, Li H, Zheng H, Guo L, Wang L, Huang Y, Zhang J*, Liu Y*. Environmental conditions and litter nutrients are key determinants of soluble C, N, and P release during litter mixture decomposition. Soil Till. Res. 2021, 209: 104928.

  7. Wang L, Chen Y, Zhou Y, Zheng H, Xu Z, Tan B, You C, Zhang L, Li H, Guo L, Wang L, Huang Y, Zhang J*, Liu Y*. Litter chemical traits strongly drove the carbon fractions loss during decomposition across an alpine treeline ecotone. Sci. Tot. Environ. 2021, 753: 142287.

  8. Wang L, Zhang J, He R, Chen Y, Yang L, Zheng H, Li H, Xiao J, Liu Y*. Impacts of soil fauna on lignin and cellulose degradation in litter decomposition across an alpine forest-tundra ecotone. Eur. J. Soil Biol. 2018, 87: 53–60.

  9. Liu Y1, Wang L1, He R, Chen Y, Xu Z, Tan B, Zhang L, Xiao J, Zhu P, Chen L, Guo L, Zhang J*. Higher soil fauna abundance accelerates litter carbon release across an alpine forest-tundra ecotone. Sci. Rep. 2019, 9: 1–12.

  10. 王利峰, 和润莲, 杨林, 陈亚梅, 刘洋*, 张健. 川西高山林线交错带土壤动物对岷江冷杉和高山杜鹃凋落物分解的贡献.应用生态学报, 2016, 27: 3689–3697.